Archery at Enderslea Farm

Archery at Enderslea Farm

I love this coloured print that hangs in the bedroom at Enderslea. I bought it in Melbourne many years ago. Its not really relevant in any way to Enderslea except to show the marked difference in the 19th Century lives of gentry women as compared to the working farmers wives in Chittering Valley. There is a flat area down by the Blue Plains Road stream on Enderslea’s land. I was told in 1980 that it originally used to be a tennis court but I dont know for sure. Its adjacent to the very large original stone well that is identical to the wells built by the New Norcia monks. Apparently many farmers copied their wells. Its always been called the Monks Well but there is no record of it being built by monks in the New Norcia Mission archives.
There are two sets of croquet sticks with all the necessary hoops and other bits and pieces at Enderslea. We occasionally play so I should get some illustrations of that game rather than archery.