Cricket at Enderslea

Cricket at Enderslea

In April 1886 a Cricket Match between the Chittering and Culham Clubs was held at Enderslea Farm to raise funds to build the local Holy Trinity Church. 30 pounds was raised.

Later again “the people of the district kept a general holiday when cricket, racing and other popular sports were held. After dinner at mid-day, tea in the evening was followed by a simple dramatic performance, music and dancing. The results were 12 pounds 14 shilling and sixpence. Mr. Morley, whose generous act towards the erection of the church has been a very conspicuous, contributed very largely towards supplying the essentials of the days festivity“. Western Mail, 23rd October, 1886.

The barn was also used for tea meetings and bazaars. It was even reported on the 14th of November, 1887 in the Inquirer and Commercial News that “the young folks enjoyed themselves till early morn with dancing, songs and recitations, a very enjoyable evening being spent in Mr. Morley’s barn – a magnificent stone building.”

The cricket image is of a woodblock engraving from The Graphic, London, 8th July, 1876.